Cheers to 2021: 20 easy steps to a happier, healthier, peaceful & authentic ‘new you’

New Year, New You? 

Yes, we know the cliché and yes, we know it wears off usually by the 5th January. It’s an unrealistic expectation because you are you, so a ‘new’ you doesn’t exist because…you are you. You shouldn’t want or ever need a NEW you, however, you can definitely strive to be a BETTER you. Become the best version of yourself. Evolve into the person you were always destined to be, and there’s no time like the now to do it!

We’ve ALL had a sh*t year in 2020. But we don’t have to let the global situation and any individual personal downfalls trouble us in 2021. We can make changes in areas of our lives that will lead us down a path of true happiness – a peaceful and calm existence, full of positivity, success and authenticity. Sure, we can’t control a global pandemic, but we can control our own little bubble of happiness. If you want to jump on board with me, here are my 20 changes, broken down into 4 core categories, that I am personally making to my life to ensure 2021 is my best year yet. I am so here for the life glow-up! I hope you are too. Let’s go…


Body & Mind

  1. Journaling Every Day – I have discovered that writing in my journal over coffee every single morning makes such a massive change to how I then go about my day. If I haven’t slept well, or been up since 3am mentally torturing myself, or perhaps I’m hungover and moody, the pen-to-paper action helps me release, relax and revise. Revise my current mindset, release any negative thoughts (as they’re all now on paper and external from my body) and relax into my day ahead.
  2. Mental Mood Board – This one is for my mental space. I have a mood board containing all of my life goals, wants and needs, hopes and dreams, as well as reminders to myself for the present day. The mood board’s existence means I have to focus on it every day, which helps me keep my mental space in a positive sphere, and reminds me of all the good things to come when I start feeling low or sad.
  3. Exercise Every Week – Of course, we ALL know the mental and physical benefits of exercise. If you’ve ever been on my ‘gram you’ll have seen the change in my body over the last 6 months from my workouts and weight-loss. I exercise twice a week with my personal trainer, then endeavor to do 90-minutes yoga at home once a week too, as well as a 2-3 hour long hike walk over the weekend if I can.
  4. Examine & Adjust What Goes In My Mouth (and no, it’s not a dick) – Whether it is sweet food, junk food, alcohol or smoking, it’s time we all had a good hard look at what we put into our body. I usually eat pretty healthily but I do drink wayyyyy too much alcohol and I still smoke when I am drinking. These two are the big ones for me that I want to cut down on and quit too.
  5. Monthly Massage – Before I moved to Singapore, I had a full body massage once in a blue moon, as a ‘treat’. Now, it’s a MUST do of my monthly plans. I love the release of tension and stress in my physical body, the relaxation it induces and the release of toxic energy from my muscles. I am addicted to my monthly body massage now.

Bonus: Get Outside in Nature – Being amongst nature heals my soul in more ways than I can ever explain. Trees, animals, sunlight, greenery…I am so here for it. If you have low mood or periods of sadness, just force yourself to go for a walk amongst nature. It should really help.


Career & Money 

  1. 12 Months & 5 Year Plans – Whether you believe in Manifestation / Laws of Attraction or not, I’m telling you, it works. What you focus on seems to materalise, even if it’s not right away, it comes. Similarly, if you focus on only negative or bad energy things, you just get more of that crap back, tenfold. Another reason to strive for a positive mindset as much as you can! So get yourself a space to document what you want to happen for your career and finances within the next 12 months, and then do a 5-year plan too. Make it clear, concise, with both ‘achievable’ milestones as well as ‘aim high’ milestones. You want to create success you can hit AND strive for. Stick this on your fridge or somewhere you can see them often, to ensure you keep mentally focused on your career goals. Manifest the shit out of it, all of it!
  2. Dropping Excuses & Getting On With it – Oh God, the amount of excuses I’ve given myself for not writing blogs, not writing my novel, not pushing myself more, not exploring YouTube or TikTok… truth is, it IS just excuses. Okay so in my defense this is the first feature I’ve written since September 2020, but that’s because I was living in mental hell separating from a toxic soulless c*nt I used to call my partner. So I guess that’s a legit reason and not an excuse. But still, we can often be our own barriers to our own potential by giving ourselves excuses to not push harder, to not work harder and not realise what we can actually achieve. Drop the damn excuses and get on with it, today! Now!
  3. Exploring New Options: Growth & Success – It’s easy for all of us to live within the realm of ‘comfortable’. It’s fine, but if you want more or you want to do better, comfortable isn’t going to cut it. You need to explore new options or progression and push yourself to the next step, challenge yourself on what you think you can achieve and then throw yourself all in! Dedicate this year to ensuring your career is the best it can be – even if that means quitting your current job to explore what you REALLY want to do in life. Whatever makes you grow, makes your heart happy and allows you financial freedom, grab it by the balls.
  4. Financial Responsibility – I spent my entire twenties being that carefree single girl with zero savings living payday to payday. I ‘saw’ myself as someone unable to save with no financial responsibility, and thus that is who I was. Only after I moved to Singapore and grew the F up, did I start to pay off all my debts, then hit the savings accounts… now a happy bunny. Take responsibility of your money: if you overspend, work out where it goes and how you can adjust. If you owe money elsewhere, workout small payments per month to start chipping away at the debt. If you want to save, get the savings account open and set up a monthly sum to transfer automatically. Start taking charge of your own finances and your spending. Be brutal with yourself, but forgive yourself for any silly mistakes in the past. It’s how you go forwards now that is all that matters.



  1. Spring Clean! – Nothing beats the feelings of a new year and a new home space – decluttered, cleaned, quiet and peaceful. Take some time (or pay a cleaning service if you have no spare time) to clean out your home. Get rid of the useless objects you don’t need, the old stuff you never use, or the hideous old linen sheets you kept ‘just in case’. Get a Feng Shui master in if you wish too! Your home space needs to be where you are most happiest, where you are calm and relaxed. This happens in a space that is clean, tidy, fresh and reflective of your personality.
  2. Make Your Bed Every Single Morning – Just do it. It will take about 60 seconds out of your day, but gives off a whole different vibe for when you return home, rather than a messy unmade bed that just sits there all day.
  3. Plants, Plants & More Plants – Have you noticed how most of the interior design inspiration images on Instagram have a lot of plants in them? Plants are, in my eyes, a necessity for your home. Different plants bring different ‘properties’ to your home but all of them offer air purifying elements, make the place look better and boost your mood / reduce stress.
  4. Home Cooking – I love doing some home cooking. I always feel like I have had a productive day if I’ve managed to make fresh, healthy food at home for myself. It also helps you appreciate food when you go out and dine, as you understand how difficult it is to cook things or hit the right spots. Home cooking makes me happy – particularly having friends over and cooking for them too.
  5. Closet Clear-Out – Same as the spring clean for your home, clearing out your closet will do wonders for your mood and stress levels. Get rid of all those items that do not fit you anymore, still have labels on or you just haven’t worn for years. I’m sure there are some sentimental garments for all of us, that’s fine,  but in general you should aim to have a closet with items that you actively always wear, and suit your style / fit your body shape. Create space and tidy your wardrobe, it’s not a quick task but you’ll feel so damn good after! Don’t forget to donate all clothes or items in good condition to a thrift store or offer online for those in need of blessings.


Love Life

  1. Let Go of Toxic People – If you’re in a similar situation as I was, let it go. You can’t move forwards all the while you’re holding onto a relationship that isn’t good for you. We so very often stay with toxic people because of fear of being alone, or we don’t know how to be single anymore. Make 2021 the year you bloody well find out…and thank me later.
  2. Acceptance of The Past & Present – To enjoy a happy and healthy future, we all need to accept the past as well as our current situation. Albeit single or in love, ensuring you have made peace with anything traumatic in your past, or your partner’s past, is the first step towards real deep happiness. I find alot of people get so hung up on ex lovers or their current single status or their need to be married without a proposal, that they neglect how to be happy in the present. Accept what has been and gone. Accept what your current reality is now. Make peace with all of it, and then look to a happy future self.
  3. Heal Inner Wounds First – Do you know how many broken hearts would never have happened if we all worked on our inner wounds first? Yo people…you need to heal yourself first before you can become ‘complete’ and happy in a loving relationship. You cannot give someone else your true authentic loving self if you’re not doing the inner work. Go get the therapist, go sit with yourself alone, do the journal, meditate every day and do the goddamn work and heal your inner wounds first. Ok?
  4. Focus On Your Desired Partner – In the same rule as manifestation for your future self, focus on what you desire from a life partner. Rather than lamenting that every man on Tinder is not a catch or a match, instead focus your energy positively on the man you want (or woman you want!). You can literally think them into existence. It may not be now, or tomorrow, but they will come into your life and you’ll realise why all the other ex lovers left. To make room for your soulmate. Oh hai.
  5. LOVE YOURSELF FIRST! – It’s beyond cliché but, it is true: The only way to truly love another is to love yourself first. I don’t mean become an arrogant arsehole, nobody likes those, but truly love yourself. Accept yourself. Your appearance, your goodness, your flaws, your previous mistakes and life lessons…love all of it. If you don’t, you’ll accept really crappy behaviour off your partner. Knowing your self worth and loving yourself BEFORE you enter into a relationship is key to ensuring it is a happy, healthy, loving space where you both thrive.
  6. In a Relationship? Show Love Every Single Day – Being in love is the best feeling. If you have the love of your life, hold them tight and don’t let go. Show them love every single day. Praise them, and support them. Show up for them when they need you. Be their strength when they’re weak, their comfort and safe space. Make sure they know they are loved, and enjoy all of the above moments for yourself when they return it.




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