7 things you need to know about Ireland before heading there

Top of the morning to you! Ireland is a gorgeous country, but if you are thinking about travelling to the Emerald Isle, then there are a few things that you should know before your vacation. You may not be aware of the culture and customs in Ireland, but if you read this article before going on your trip, you will have an idea of what to expect.

That way, when strange things happen around you during your stay, it won’t take away from the enjoyment of your time spent in this beautiful country!

Psst! If you love Ireland so much that you want to move there permanently, then you should consider how to get Irish citizenship.

Irish pub food is the best

It would help if you tried out the pub meal, which is the traditional food of Ireland. It includes a bowl of hearty Irish stew, potatoes, and bread with butter to help you soak up your meal!

There’s a local language

If you want to get into the local culture while in Ireland, it would not hurt if you learned some basic phrases so that when someone babbles around you or says something unusual, you will have an idea of what they are saying. 

One funny example is how “a hairdresser” becomes “eh-ta air doo”. Suppose this sounds like too big of an undertaking before your trip. In that case, you should stay away from conversations altogether until after vacation – American accents are sometimes met with confusion by locals!

Tipping is optional

If you are going to visit Ireland for the first time, it is crucial that you know what tipping customs they have before your trip. 

While tipping is always appreciated (and often mandatory! in America and many Western countries, many times, people in Ireland will never accept a tip or may even feel insulted if it’s offered (especially older generations). 

If someone does offer their service with a smile and work hard on making sure that your experience was excellent – show them some love by giving something!

There’s no work on Sundays

If you will be in Ireland for a while, it would help if you knew that there is absolutely no work on Sundays. But, of course, you will want to make sure your accommodations have this as well – or else they may charge extra!

It rains… a lot

It is essential to know that Ireland has a rainy season, especially in November and December. You will want some heavy duty rain gear before your trip – or else you’ll be buying it when you arrive! You might need to travel back and forth to safety points in the rain.

You MUST golf in Ireland

Golf is a significant tourist attraction in Ireland. The many golf courses here offer an excellent way to enjoy the natural beauty and get some exercise, too! 

You can also make plans for your next visit before you leave by signing up at one of the pro shops or arranging tee times online from home.

Dublin has it all

Dublin became the capital city during English rule because its location is near both coasts (the east coast). That means that much of what we have come to know about Irish culture today started in Dublin – so if there’s anything specific you want to learn more about when visiting Ireland, go straight there.

In conclusion, you should know that the Irish are a proud people with their own rich culture and customs. So if you want to get into it, then be prepared for these things before going on your trip!


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