Planning a camping staycation? Here’s the ultimate cheat sheet for a memorable holiday

The unpredictable travel restrictions, flight cancellations and delays, and long quarantine requirements have changed how Brits are looking at their summer holidays. In fact, over 73% of people are likely to continue to travel within the UK for years to come. 

If you are part of this percentage, this year could be the best one to invest in a high-quality tent, campervan, or caravan. These might seem expensive at first, but they offer you all the freedom to travel through the natural beauty of the UK on a budget. 

If you have already taken the leap and you are planning your first road trip through the country, here are some unmissable tips to get you, your family, and your vehicle ready for the upcoming adventure. 

Create an itinerary

For many, a camping or caravanning holiday is a synonym for freedom and spontaneity. Of course, this is true! But travelling through the UK still requires a lot of planning, especially if you wish to avoid those campsites that are almost fully booked and expensive. 

Alternatively, if you wish to stick to a much looser itinerary for your road trip, you might need to take into consideration the possibility that you might have to sleep in your car for a night or two – especially in high season!

Crafting an itinerary is also important to make sure that you are not travelling at the busiest times, you fit everything in, and you arrive at the campsite early on during the day. There is really nothing worse than having to set up your tent or reverse your caravan in pitch dark!

Know the regulations

Regulations about camping and wild camping change from one country to another. If you have experience with camping in Italy and France, you know that there are “Aire de Camping Car” or “Area di Sosta” that allow you to stop for free or for a limited time anywhere you are in the country. 

These can be extremely handy if you have not booked a campsite but you need a break before carrying on driving. However, these do not exist in the UK and, more importantly, wild camping is considered illegal in Wales and England. 

Browse through the regulations that might limit your trip before setting off and, if you really need a quick, inexpensive stop when travelling in the UK, check out programs such as BritStops.

Don’t pack the night before

If you have a holiday home or you are thinking about buying one, spending your holiday there will not require a lot of packing and planning. After all, you know your destination and your home is ready to welcome you. However, if you have decided to enjoy a camping holiday for the first time, it is important not to underestimate the amount of packing and planning involved. 

In fact, you won’t just have to get your clothes ready. You will also need to pack your cookware, food and drinks, personal care items, medicines, clothing for all occasions, laundry tools, and housekeeping products. And, no matter how much planning goes into your preparations, you are likely to forget something!

Be realistic about the weather – and pack accordingly

When most Brits think about their holidays, they think about high temperatures, beach days, cold drinks, and plenty of sunshine. However, while the UK is packed with endless places of natural beauty, the weather can be unpredictable – making a holiday in the rain more likely! 

At the same time, with a little bit of planning, you can make your holiday entirely rainproof! Firstly, make sure you have plenty of clothes to change, so you won’t have to spend time doing the laundry every day. Pack raincoats and wellies even if you travel in summer, and make sure you have a covered area outside of your tent or caravan to enjoy the evening. 

Bring food staples (and drinks!)

Travelling in the UK does not involve being in extremely remote locations where food and drinks are scarce. Nonetheless, it is important to plan ahead, especially if you are travelling by campervan! 

Big supermarkets might not always be within walking distance of your campsite, especially if you are near a national park or in a green area. So, you should make sure you have food and drink for at least a few days. If you have a choice, opt for foods that will not go bad within days – especially if you don’t have a large fridge in your vehicle!

Decide on the type of campsites you will visit

No two campsites are exactly the same, and the choice of location and campground can revolutionise your holiday. On a standard holiday, your hotel might not matter much, but camping holidays are usually social and relaxing. 

Around the UK, there are plenty of standard campsites in which you will find all the facilities and amenities you need for an extremely comfortable holiday. However, if you are looking to experience a much more relaxed holiday in closer contact with nature, check out alternative sites and guides such as CoolCamping

Bring entertainment

Campsites might provide all the entertainment you need, especially if you love making new friends anywhere you go. However, you might not always find the best crowd, and you should be ready with plenty of entertainment for you and your family. 

There are plenty of options when it comes down to having fun at a campground. Some of the must-haves you should have in your caravan or campervan include a chess set, cards, board games, frisbees, and plenty of books and magazines. If you are into birdwatching, make sure you also carry a camera and binoculars. 

Get your car ready

On a road trip, your vehicles – whether that’s a campervan or a car for towing your caravan – will be your best friend. So, don’t forget to get everything ready in advance and complete all the necessary safety checks. 

Some of the important ones you should not miss out on include checking the tires, liquids, brakes, and oil. If you are towing a caravan, make sure you also invest in high-quality Towing Mirrors that will increase the level of comfort and safety while driving.


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