Very few people actively love first dates. Let’s face it. It doesn’t matter how excited you might be to meet that person, chances are you are also nervous about what will happen, and that is completely normal and to be expected. Nonetheless, one of the main things that you are going to want to achieve is to ensure you are impressing your date, whether you have found them on Tinder or Bumble or wherever else. Let’s take a look at some of the things that tend to really impress your dates, and how to make sure you are working on them in the right way.
1. A sense of humour
There’s no doubt that we all look for someone with a strong sense of humour. That’s true regardless of your gender, or what gender you tend to be attracted to, although it is often particularly said of women on the lookout for men. Whoever you are, if you can make your date laugh, that is going to really help things along. Shared laughter helps as a social lubricant, it shows that you are not threatening, and it displays your intelligence and way with words at the same time. All of that makes for a very attractive package.
2. Your pad
When you are in a position to take your date home with you, you obviously want to make sure that your home is actually going to impress them. That’s something that a lot of people struggle to make a reality, but the truth is that it is much simpler than you might think. Although some can approach this by hiring architects to build an amazing London townhouse, other people can make their humble abode more inviting by simply keeping it clean and ensuring that it reflects their personality in some way.
3. Dressing well
One of the many reasons to think ahead about what kind of venue you are going to and what activity you are partaking in is so that you can dress appropriately. You need to dress in a way that shows you care for yourself, are not averse to grooming, and that you have put in some effort for the date itself. If you do this simple thing, you will find that your date is going to be much more impressed, and everything is going to go much more smoothly indeed.
4. Good conversation
Ultimately, you need to be able to sustain a conversation. If you can’t do that, few people are going to want to hang around, and over time this is going to mean that you are much less successful at the whole dating game than you might want to be. Good conversation is all about listening more than talking, responding in kind and elaborating on what is being said in interesting and sometimes unusual ways. If you can do that, your date is going to be so much more impressed – and this is as true of a Zoom date as it is for a date in the flesh.